Thursday, September 26, 2013

Following Dreams

You know….its hard to follow your dreams when you’re surrounded by negativity. Everyone wants to put you down because you’re not living up to society’s expectations. I just had a convo with my best friend today, and he told me things that didn’t fit well with me at all. His homegirl told him that he needs to find another plan, because what if his dreams doesn’t work. Now, the regular person will agree with this, but you have to do or die in order for you to know will you succeed or fail your dream. In case you’re wondering, my best friend wants to be a taekwondo master. He trains 6 days a week, plus joining a black belt class, and training other students at the same time. So he has a lot on his plate, with no time for anything. Do you know what his sacrifice is?….Not having a 9 to 5 regular job. He can on the verge of being homeless, but luckily he has family to support him. That’s not very easy to do, not having a job especially in this economy. He’s penniless all because he’s following his dream, and I salute him for that. You know we were taught to get a good paying job, a good house, a wife, kids, and grow old and die. The highest thing you can do a doctor or lawyer. That’s not the case. I believe that you can do whatever you want, besides appeasing to the average society. They’re sacrifices that you won’t like, but if you want something you can do it. Everybody had a dream, but most won’t follow it, which one will you choose. 

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