Monday, September 30, 2013

Meek Mill - Dreamchasers 3 (Hosted By DJ Drama) [Mixtape Review]

Honestly I had low expectations for this mixtape. I thought this would be another overrated mixtape that would be wack as fuck, but ITS NOT!!! Meek Mill has done a hell of a job on this mixtape to the point that you would think that it was his second album. From begging to end their wasn’t one song I can saw it was wack. The beats were on point, every guests was on the mixtape held their own by lyrics and flowing to the beat, even DJ Drama did his thang, he knew which song to talk his shit on, and it fits well with the songs. I appreciate Meekhonoring Lil Snupe by having a skit of him freestyling and making a song decidated to him. That way people will know Lil Snupe's talent and legacy still live on (R.I.P. Lil Snupe). On “Heaven or Hell (Feat. Jadakiss & Guordan Banks), its kinda a remake on The Luniz's song “I Got 5 On It”. Both Meek & Jada killed the beat, while Guordan sangs beautifully on the chorus. Meek Mill for East folks is what Young Jeezy is in the South. Makes motivational music for the people that are in need of some encouragement or help. I give this mixtape a perfect 5 out of 5. Meek proved the haters, naysayers, and critics wrong, he can still make great music, now all we need is a second album from him, and he’ll really be a force to be reckon with.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Meek Mill - Dreamchasers 3 Listening Session

Well well well…after numerous of delays, Meek Mill decides to give the fans a listening session before the mixtape drops tomorrow. I’m not spoil it for ya’ll just watch the video, and see how Dreamchasers 3 sounds to ya’ll.

Friday, September 27, 2013

My Celebrity Crush

I can’t even lie, I’m not into celebrities, but I’ll make an acception. For some reason, I have a very huuge crush on CL. There’s something about her I like, and it ain’t the way she looks. Its her personality, attitude, character and demeanor. The way she carries herself in interviews and tv shows, I can tell its real and genuine cause she doesn’t really have to front who she really is like most celebs do. I don’t really see style like that a lot of women, so a nigga like me will bag her up quick, and turn her wifey in seconds. CL the true definition of a bad bitch ;). 

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Following Dreams

You know….its hard to follow your dreams when you’re surrounded by negativity. Everyone wants to put you down because you’re not living up to society’s expectations. I just had a convo with my best friend today, and he told me things that didn’t fit well with me at all. His homegirl told him that he needs to find another plan, because what if his dreams doesn’t work. Now, the regular person will agree with this, but you have to do or die in order for you to know will you succeed or fail your dream. In case you’re wondering, my best friend wants to be a taekwondo master. He trains 6 days a week, plus joining a black belt class, and training other students at the same time. So he has a lot on his plate, with no time for anything. Do you know what his sacrifice is?….Not having a 9 to 5 regular job. He can on the verge of being homeless, but luckily he has family to support him. That’s not very easy to do, not having a job especially in this economy. He’s penniless all because he’s following his dream, and I salute him for that. You know we were taught to get a good paying job, a good house, a wife, kids, and grow old and die. The highest thing you can do a doctor or lawyer. That’s not the case. I believe that you can do whatever you want, besides appeasing to the average society. They’re sacrifices that you won’t like, but if you want something you can do it. Everybody had a dream, but most won’t follow it, which one will you choose. 

Pretending To Be Someone Else

I never knew how to be myself. I never took the time to develop a personality, see what I like or dislike, what hobbies am I good at, or have a mind of my own. For that, I suffered a great amount. I came from being different is bad, you gotta be the same as everyone else, and if we find something that’s different about you, we will ridicule you until you become like us. For that, I decided to do that. I looked up to gangstas, rappers, players, pimps, or drug dealers because of the environment I grew in. It’ll make me cool I be like them, but what I didn’t know is I’m becoming a mindless follower. Although, it was good because people wanted to hang with you, be like you,or even fuck you, but at what cost? They just like the illusion I bring, not what’s inside my heart. I wasn’t happy for a long time because this isn’t really me, so I gave all that shit that was programmed in my mind, and started asking the question that I’ve should have done in a very long time: Who are you? It isn’t easy because I’m still trying to figure out who I am, but on the bright side is I’m happier. All the people that was suppose to be down for me, ain’t here now. The important thing is I starting to know more about myself and that’s all that matters.