Thursday, July 19, 2012

1 Year Dreadlock Anniversary

 Now I know ya'll thinking "who gives a shit about his dreadlocks?!", but there's more to it than wearing dreads on my head. This is the first time that I started something that I'm interested, and finished all the way through. See, when I started something that I'm interested I usually quit either by boredom, too difficult of a  task, or by negative feedback (I'm still doing that til this day, and I need to work on that immediately). It all started in January 24, 2011 when I decided to get locs thanks to the influence of my best friend. I started going to a hair salon to get them done, and the lady that did them told me not to do anything until I got them re-done again. I've notice that my hair and get getting flaky and itchy each time I went to her, so I stopped going to her. In March, I went to a different salon, and went to my aunts hair dresser to get them done, and the same thing has happened, but worse. My dreads were very dirty and my scalp was very flaky. I got a video that'll show you how bad it was before.
 It was to the point that I had to start over and get them re-done. This time I got them done by my aunts hairdresser (real smart huh), but I told her that I wanted my dreads in a pattern so it won't be all over the place, and here were the results.
They were just what I wanted, but my scalp was still flaky. So I finally stopped going to my aunts hair dresser, and start going to the one person that knows about best friend Daevon. I told him the problem, and when he seen it for himself, he figured out the problem that it was the products that they were using. You see, the hair dressers was using products that were for weave hair, and it clogged my scalp (I should have figured that out the second time when the first hair dresser was doing my hair). I thoroughly washed  all the weave products, out of my scalp and went to Daevon ever since. Daevon showed me the products during he was twisting my hair, and the products to have an healthy hair and scalp, and thanks to him, here's the results about a year later.

I could have quit when things weren't going right, but I kept going which is a rare for me, because I'm usually a quitter. What kept me was determination and patience. I really wanted these locs so thanks to my locs, I  finally know how to really want something in life, and never give up even when things are looking bad. I'm glad that I had a best friend too to encourage me as well to keep going so that also add fire the fuel, if it wasn't for him i wouldn't know anything how to take care of locs. Now, I could reach my goals and aspirations with a positive mind, patience, and determination, thanks to my dreadlocks.

Friday, July 13, 2012


I've recently just came from an amazing experience. Seeing my best friend Daevon, and his older brother Kewon are doing the martial art known as Taekwondo. They're basically training for a higher belt, so what the masters have them to do is give them belt tests to see if they advance onto the next belt.  Its feels so good to see those two kicking ass at it,and each time they're getting better at it. Plus, they're dedicated. Even the masters that are training them are impressed. If they keep this up, one day they'll become masters themselves. With further adue, I present to you clips on Daevon & Kewon in action.   

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Intro To My Blog

Hello all you bloggers out there, thanks for taking the time to read this. I'm hoping to gain a few friends from all over the world, and show my personality through these blogs for people that are interested. I'm usually a shy person, but I want to get through this by showing others who I'm really am as a person, and what better way of doing that by creating your own blogspot. You'll experience me through my happy, sad, or angry type of moods through typing. If just one would feel me through blogspot, then I'm completely satisfied, and done my job. Well, that's it for now, until then stay tuned for more in the mere future, PEACE!!!